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Writer's pictureManuela Toteva

The Evolution of PR: Key Takeaways from the ICCO Next Gen PR Report 2023-2024

The public relations (PR) industry is evolving at a rapid pace, and much of that change is driven by the aspirations, motivations, and challenges of the younger generation of PR professionals. The ICCO Next Gen PR Report 2023-2024 offers an in-depth look at the attitudes and experiences of young professionals in the field, revealing a mix of optimism, concern, and a clear vision for the future of the industry.

Key Motivators for Young PR Professionals

One of the standout findings from the report is the continued appeal of creativity in PR. Despite the rise of technology, AI, and data-driven strategies, 57% of respondents cited creativity as their primary reason for pursuing a career in PR. This highlights that while the industry is adapting to technological advancements, the creative elements of storytelling, campaign design, and messaging still hold strong appeal for younger professionals.

The desire to make a meaningful impact is another major driver, with 44% of respondents stating they entered the industry to have a positive influence on society. Whether it’s helping to shape the narrative around important social issues, supporting brands with purpose-driven initiatives, or simply seeing their work create real-world results, young PR professionals are looking for careers that align with their personal values and desire to contribute to society.

Personal development is also high on the list of priorities. A significant 71% of respondents identified growth opportunities as a major professional inspiration, while 49% cited career potential as a key factor when evaluating job opportunities. These findings indicate that young PR practitioners aren’t just looking for jobs—they’re seeking careers where they can learn, grow, and develop both professionally and personally.

The Challenges Facing the Next Generation

While the report paints a picture of an engaged and motivated workforce, it also highlights several challenges facing young PR professionals today. One of the most pressing concerns is the impact of work on mental health. An overwhelming 64% of respondents reported experiencing negative effects on their mental health as a result of their jobs. This statistic underscores the importance of fostering a supportive work environment that prioritizes well-being, mental health resources, and a positive company culture.

Work-life balance is another critical issue. Although 39% of young professionals said they prioritize work-life balance when choosing a job, many still struggle to achieve it. A notable percentage of respondents (41%) feel they don’t have enough time to complete their tasks, and more than half (57%) feel they are not adequately compensated for the responsibility they carry in their roles. These challenges not only affect job satisfaction but also contribute to the broader issue of talent retention in the PR industry.

Retention and Talent Attraction

Despite the challenges, the report reveals that most young PR professionals are committed to staying in the industry, with 68% stating they plan to remain in PR for the foreseeable future, and 28% envisioning it as a lifelong career. This level of dedication is a positive sign for the future of the PR industry, but it also places a responsibility on industry leaders to address the issues that could hinder retention.

To retain top talent, PR agencies must take a proactive approach to creating environments that not only attract young professionals but also keep them engaged long-term. The report emphasizes the importance of leadership, with 53% of respondents citing responsive leaders as a key component of an ideal work environment. Strong leadership, combined with opportunities for professional development, mentorship, and meaningful work, can help ensure that the next generation of PR talent continues to thrive in the industry.

Additionally, the importance of company culture cannot be overlooked. For 29% of respondents, company culture is a top consideration when evaluating potential job opportunities, and for good reason. A positive work culture that promotes collaboration, inclusivity, and respect not only enhances job satisfaction but also creates a sense of belonging and purpose. As PR agencies navigate the challenges of hybrid work environments, creating a strong and cohesive culture will be key to retaining young talent.

The Role of Technology and Innovation

The rapid evolution of technology presents both opportunities and challenges for the next generation of PR professionals. Nearly half of the respondents (47%) highlighted the importance of mastering AI tools, signaling that young PR practitioners are well aware of the growing role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of the industry. As PR firms increasingly integrate AI into their workflows, the ability to harness these tools effectively will be a critical skill for future success.

However, while AI and other digital tools are gaining prominence, creativity remains a core asset for young PR professionals. Thirty-seven percent of respondents identified creativity as key to future success, emphasizing that while technology may enhance efficiency, the creative elements of PR—such as storytelling, crafting compelling narratives, and engaging with diverse audiences—are still central to the industry’s future.

Strategic consulting (33%) and research, insight, and planning (27%) were also highlighted as essential skills for the future. As clients increasingly look to PR agencies for strategic guidance in navigating complex media landscapes, young professionals will need to hone their consulting and analytical skills to provide the level of insight and expertise required by modern organizations.

Mental Health and Well-Being: A Priority for the Industry

The findings of the report highlight the urgent need for PR agencies to prioritize mental health and well-being within their organizations. With 64% of respondents reporting negative mental health impacts from their jobs, it’s clear that the demands of the PR industry—long hours, high pressure, and constant client demands—can take a toll on employees’ well-being. Addressing this issue is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic one. Employees who feel supported and valued are more likely to remain engaged, productive, and loyal to their organizations.

Agencies that offer robust mental health resources, flexible working arrangements, and a supportive company culture are likely to stand out in a competitive job market. In fact, 52% of respondents highlighted the importance of work culture, and 46% mentioned flexible working arrangements as key factors when evaluating potential employers. PR agencies that invest in the well-being of their staff will not only attract top talent but also foster a more resilient and engaged workforce.

Looking Ahead: A Bright Future for PR

Despite the challenges facing young PR professionals, the overall outlook for the industry is positive. A strong sense of optimism pervades the report, with 59% of respondents expressing confidence in the industry’s growth. Furthermore, 66% believe that CEOs are taking corporate reputation more seriously, and 61% see companies placing greater emphasis on corporate purpose. These trends point to a future where PR professionals will play an increasingly important role in shaping not only the reputations of organizations but also their social impact and values.

The report also highlights the potential for growth within the PR industry, with many young professionals expressing a desire for leadership and management training. Over half of the respondents (53%) stated they seek additional training in leadership, signaling that the next generation is not only eager to grow within their current roles but also to take on leadership positions in the future.

To ensure the continued success of the PR industry, leaders must invest in the development of young talent by offering training, mentorship, and opportunities for growth. By doing so, the industry can remain dynamic, innovative, and prepared to meet the challenges of the future.


The ICCO Next Gen PR Report 2023-2024 provides a comprehensive look at the attitudes, motivations, and challenges of young professionals in the PR industry. While creativity, personal growth, and purpose-driven work remain central to their career choices, the report also highlights the importance of addressing mental health concerns, fostering strong leadership, and embracing technological innovation. As the industry continues to evolve, PR agencies that prioritize these factors will not only attract top talent but also retain and develop the next generation of leaders who will shape the future of public relations. By creating environments that nurture creativity, offer meaningful work, and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth, the PR industry can thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Source: International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO). (2023). Next Gen PR Report 2023-2024. ICCO. Available on

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